So far two albums of original music are released. The first is mainly piano, chamber and orchestral music. The second a fusion of Balkan rhythms with elements of jazz. Working on another few albums simultaniously.

Stay tuned!


1. Red Snow
2. Lullaby For Nana
3. Cold Hand
4. Celestial Tears
5. Fantasy From the Orange Planet


1. My Tribes
2. Aj mene majka jednu ima
3. U Stambolu na Bosforu
4. Bozo Vreco – Sahtijan
5. Gde ima voda studena Radule
6. Dva se draga (Damir Imamović)
7. Snijeg pade na behar na voće
8. Pjevat ćemo šta nam srce zna
9. The Evening Gathering
10. Jovano, Jovanke

gofundme campaign – thank you very much for your support!

Help fund Adem Mehmedovic's dream to pursue a PhD in music in Switzerland! A brilliant pianist and musician, Adem is on a mission to deepen his musical expertise and contribute to the world of music academia.

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